Q. Who Founded the Program? 

A. New Leipzig Talents is a program of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, under the direction of the Dr. Arend Oetker Chair of Business Psychology and Leadership as well as the Career Development Department. Moreover, the program is conducted in cooperation with BMW Group Werk Leipzig and the entrepreneur Dr. Arend Oetker himself.

Q. How Often Will I Meet With My Coach?

A. For your coaching to be successful, you should have at least three appointments with your coach. In general, we want to leave the process and frequency of the meetings up to you and your coach. How many times you can talk in person or on the phone with each other depends entirely on your individual schedules. When you meet your coach at the kick-off event, you will determine your conversation intervals and schedule appointments at that point.

Q. CAN my Coaching also Take Place in English?

A. The majority of the coaches are able to coach in German as well as in English. Additionally, as part of the coach and student matching process, we make sure to find a coach that has the best possible fit to your needs. The chance to become a New Leipzig Talent is open to all our international students. We are looking forward to your application!

Q. What If I Am Not Available for one of the program dates?

A. In order to be a New Leipzig Talent, it is necessary that you are available for all fixed dates: your selection interview, the opening session, the kick-off event and the final event. All these events are essential for participation in the program and therefore unfortunately cannot be omitted or postponed. So please be sure to check your personal availability before submitting your application to the program. All the program dates can be found here

Q. What Should I do if I feel uncomfortable in the coaching?

A. If you feel uncomfortable in the coaching process or there is lack of cohesion, you should first address the issue directly with your coach. Together you will surely find a good solution to ensure the program continues to be enjoyable and successful for you. If you need further assistance, you can always contact the NLT team directly. Just write a message to nlt [at] hhl.de and we will gladly assist you with any questions or issues.

Q. Can only First Semester Students Apply? 

A. Yes, as the number of participants for the program is quite limited, the program can unfortunately only be offered for first semester students at this time. 

Q. How Can I Support the Program?

A. We are always seeking new innovative ideas as well as financial support to contribute to the success of the New Leipzig Talents program. Various sponsorship levels are available, and we are actively searching for workshops and assessment centers in keeping with the program goals. Please get in contact with us via email at nlt [at] hhl.de. We are looking forward to hearing from you!